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सरस्वती पूजा २०८१ - सीतारमेश बहुमुखी क्याम्पस
21th Magh 2081
सीतारमेश बहुमुखी क्याम्पसमा आगामी २०८१ साल माघ २१ गते विद्या र ज्ञानकी दे...
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सीतारमेश बहुमुखी क्याम्पसको तेह्रौं क्याम्पस सभा
17th Magh 2081
सीतारमेश बहुमुखी क्याम्पसको तेह्रौं क्याम्पस सभा आगामी माघ १७ गते सम्पन्...
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Second FSU Cricket Cup 2081
08th Poush 2081
The Free Students Union (FSU) is organizing the 2nd FSU Cricket Cup 2081, which is scheduled to commence on 2081-09-08 at 6:30 AM. This exciting event is set to bring together students from the Bac...
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Dashain/Tihar Special Ceremony (दशैं तिहार सुभकामना आदन प्रदान कार्यक्रम)
18th Aswin 2081
SRMC is excited to announce a special program to celebrate Dashain and Tihar in collaboration with the students of Sita-Ramesh Multiple Campus. This cultural ceremony aims to foster community spiri...
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नेपाली महिलाहरुको चाड हरितालिका तीजको अवसरमा तीज विशेष सांस्कृतिक तथा दर खाने कार्यक्रम
19th Bhadra 2081
सीतारमेश बहुमुखी क्याम्पस , अतिरिक्त क्रियाकलाप समितिको आयोजनामा क्याम्...
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20th Shrawan 2081
SRMC (Sita-Ramesh Multiple Campus), a premier choice for graduation-level students, is excited to announce that admissions are now open! We invite all +2 level graduates to embark ...
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क्याम्पसको शैक्षिक /शैक्षणिक गतिविधि विषयमा अभिभावकसँगको अन्तरक्रिया कार्यक्रम
18th Shrawan 2081
सीतारमेश बहुमुखी क्याम्पस , बुद्धशान्ति- १ , झापाको Public Information Cell (PIC) को आयोजनामा ...
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Sita-Ramesh Multiple Campus (SRMC) a community campus is situated in Buddhashanti Rural Municipality in Jhapa district. The campus is established in 2067 BS. Since its establishment, the campus has been providing higher education to the students from different social and economical background. Sita-Ramesh Multiple Campus is the only higher educational institution situated in the area. The campus has set a goal to develop SRMC as a centre of producing high skilled academic human resources by identifying the needs of the society by developing infrastructure and exchanging the experiences with other reputed academic institutions for the efficiency of teaching learning activities. The campus has also focused on research based teaching learning activities by adopting innovative ideas and technology. Research based teaching learning provides suitable environment for academic growth and innovation in the field of education. Research writing is a part in the higher level of study. In this context, the training on research would be a milestone in the academic part of the campus and it paves a way to further study of the students and strengthens the academic part of the faculties of the campus.
Established in 2068 B.S. by social activists and academicians of this region with an aim to imparting quality education in affordable cost, SRMC is the only campus in Buddhashanti Rural Municipality. Since its establishment, the Campus has been able to impart quality education in affordable cost. The campus got affiliation in 2067 and in 2069 in Management and Education stream respectively. In order to improve quality in education, the campus took the strategy to get QAA accreditation. The campus received Letter of Intent (LoI) to submit the Self-Study Report (SSR) on 1 August 2017 and completed the pre visit on 17th June 2022. "Sita-Ramesh Multiple Campus (SRMC) has successfully completed the Peer Review Team (PRT) visit, a crucial step in the accreditation process. This visit involved a thorough evaluation by a team of external experts who assessed various aspects of the institution, including its academic programs, faculty qualifications, administrative effectiveness, student services, and overall institutional integrity. The successful completion of this visit signifies that SRMC has met the necessary standards and criteria set by the accrediting body. SRMC is now in the final phase of receiving its accreditation certificate. The Campus got involved in Higher Education Reform Project (HERP) of UGC and signed MoU with UGC on push 25 2074 BS. Now, the campus is preparing its SSR as per the suggestions and feedbacks of the UGC Experts after the submission of the first draft. The campus is now working hard to get certified as QAA accredited campus.
The campus has been strengthening its management and improving teaching learning activities in line with the concept of QAA program. The campus has developed the plan to strengthen the Research Management Cell (RMC) by organizing seminars, research based trainings/workshops, etc. In this context, the offered program would certainly make the concept of research clear among students, teachers and other stakeholders of the campus.
The Campus administration and the involved teachers feel the necessity of the institutional strength and academic improvement of both faculties and students. The Campus is viewed with a high status-value by the society outside too. Most of the graduates produced from the Campus have been able to obtain employment opportunities in different private and government sectors. It is also evident that the community has been highly benefited by the program offered by the Campus.
CONTACT- 023555557
To develop SRMC as an academic research centre of this region promoting economic, social and cultural distinctiveness by establishing post graduate level campus.

To impart qualitative, scientific and life skill education by acquiring academic excellence will be the mission of Sita-Ramesh Multiple Campus.

To fulfill the vision and mission, the Campus has set the following goals:
- Producing qualified and competent manpower according to national and international standards.
- Developing internal quality and efficiency.
- Imparting effective service by developing ability of human resource.
- Developing SRMC as the research center.
- Developing necessary infrastructure for the sustainable development of the institution.

Here are the objectives of Sita-Ramesh Multiple Campus.
- To develop internal management and organizational development of the Campus.
- To manage educational activities, extra-curricular activities and technology based instructional environment for qualitative manpower development.
- To manage seminar, workshops and trainings for the development of working skills of faculties and staffs.
- To manage interaction and discussion program timely with the stakeholders.
- To expand relationship with other education institutions for the development of educational activities.
- To manage the record of educational, administrative and financial activities of the institution.
- To manage source for the development of infrastructure, economic and quality education.